An Evaluation of Word Embeddings on Vulnerability Prediction with Software Metrics


  • Sousuke Amasaki Department of Systems Engineering, Okayama Prefectural University
  • Tomoyuki Yokogawa Department of Systems Engineering, Okayama Prefectural University
  • Aman Hirohisa Center for Information Technology, Ehime University


vulnerability prediction, word embeddings, empirical study


CONTEXT: Software vulnerability is a crucial risk for a digital world. Developers dedicate enormous effort to removing vulnerable code from their software products. Vulnerability prediction aims to spot which modules are more vulnerable using software metrics. Recent studies conducted empirical experiments using textual information and software metrics. The result showed that the textual information did not help improve the predictive performance. However, their evaluations only considered Bag-of-Words (BoW) as textual information, and semantic relations among words have never been examined. OBJECTIVE: To examine the performance of vulnerability prediction with textual information considering semantic relations. Word2Vec was employed for capturing semantic relations. METHOD: A comparative study among BoW and two Word2Vec embeddings was conducted. For easy evaluation, we replicated a recent study that employed BoW. The Word2Vec embeddings were obtained from pre-trained models based on Google News and Stack Overflow. The former used large but non-SE-related texts, while the latter used small but SE-related texts. RESULTS: The non-SE Word2Vec improved vulnerability prediction in term of prediction stability. The SE-specific Word2Vec was less effective. CONCLUSION: Practitioners should consider textual information with non-SE Word2Vec for better vulnerability prediction.


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