A Simple Embedded System for Solar Tracking


  • Danko Milić Faculty for Electrical Engineering, University of Montenegro
  • Radovan Stojanović Faculty for Electrical Engineering, University of Montenegro


Dual Axis Solar Tracker, Solar Power, Photovoltaic Solar Panel, Arduino Uno Development Board, ATMEGA 328 AVR Micro Controller, LDR


This paper presents a low-cost hardware-software alternative for tracking the sun position, for purposes of improving the performances of solar voltaic modules. The system ensures the optimal coordinate position of the photo voltaic modules to achieve the reception of maximum solar radiation. As a result, the solar panel can produce more electricity. The system is based on ATmega328P microcontroller, which control the movement of two servo motors along two axes. The rotation position and related actions are performed by off-the-shelf microcontroller, taking in account the inputs from the four light-dependent resistors (LDRs). The prototype is developed and tested in real conditions. Some of the results are presented and discussed. The main advantage of the system is its low-cost, reliability and logical scalable design.


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How to Cite

Milić, D., & Stojanović, R. (2023). A Simple Embedded System for Solar Tracking. WiPiEC Journal - Works in Progress in Embedded Computing Journal, 9(2). Retrieved from https://wipiec.digitalheritage.me/index.php/wipiecjournal/article/view/44