Many a Little Makes a Mickle: On Micro-Optimisation of Containerised Microservices


  • Zheng Li School of Electronics, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Queen’s University Belfast


containerisation, DevOps, micro-optimisation, microservice, Ops-side optimisation, performance engineering


Performance optimisation is a key to the success of microservices architecture. Correspondingly, many studies have been conducted on optimising orchestration or composition of multiple microservices within different application contexts. Unlike the existing efforts on the global optimisation, we are concerned with the internal optimisation of individual microservices. Considering the loosely coupled nature of individual microservices, their performance improvements could be independent of each other and thus would naturally bring benefits to their composite applications. Driven by such intuitive ideas together with the de facto tech stack, we have been working on micro-optimisation of containerised microservices at the Operation side (i.e., Ops-side optimisation) against the Development side. Based on both theoretical discussions and empirical investigations, our most recent work delivered three micro-optimisation principles, namely just-enough containerisation, just-for-me configuration, and just-in-time compilation (during containerisation). Our current research outcomes have not only offered new ideas and practical strategies for optimising microservices, but they have also expanded the conceptual scope and the research field of software micro-optimisation.


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How to Cite

Li, Z. (2024). Many a Little Makes a Mickle: On Micro-Optimisation of Containerised Microservices. WiPiEC Journal - Works in Progress in Embedded Computing Journal, 10(2). Retrieved from