Implementation of the Project Approach


  • Andrei Vladimirovich Anisimov


automation of design, design methods and tools, modeling of business processes, CASE-funds, pre-project survey, engineering of the design object, system analysis, standardization, professional consortia


Automation is based on a structural approach. An overview of modern approaches used in the implementation of tasks, including modeling tasks. Modeling business processes using CASE tools. Formation of skills to solve professional problems. Methodology and technology of canonical design. Standardization and professional consortia. Design based on notation standards. Working with resources in conditions of heterogeneity of formats and interpretation of meaning in accordance with the characteristics of resources.


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How to Cite

Vladimirovich Anisimov, A. (2024). Implementation of the Project Approach. WiPiEC Journal - Works in Progress in Embedded Computing Journal, 10(1). Retrieved from